Brand Marketing
How Great Brand Marketing can help your business?
The Funky Howler dog runs best when off leash. And we work best for your business when we can combine our expertise across the board when planning how to take your brand to the top.
From the first time your customer hears your business name, the impression that is building in their minds has to be a Meg Ryan special, they also have to be saying Yes…Yes…Yes!
Brand Marketing is all about how your brand is perceived and the promises you make about what can be expected from you. It is about your brand’s identity, qualities and persona. It is the choices you make over where, how and who you advertise to.
Brand Marketing meshes with all other marketing spheres to create a seamless, consistent brand with integrity.
Our professionals can assist your brand across all digital areas including social media, blogging, paid advertising, UX, SEO and more. We will suggest the most direct route to capture all your marketing goals while spending the least amount of money doing so.
We like to go big…. and then we can go home ;o)